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Patricia Olasker Speaks to The Globe and Mail about the Implications of the CannTrust Investigation

In an interview with The Globe and Mail (subscribers only), Patricia Olasker commented on the impact of Health Canada’s investigation into CannTrust for regulatory non-compliance as a result of cultivating cannabis in unlicensed rooms.

“Any lawyer you talk to will say they have a number of deals that could be impacted by this,” said Patricia. “We advise U.S. banks … in this space, those who are in deals and those who are thinking about getting into deals, and the top-of-mind issue for them is always legal compliance.”

Patricia observed that, while the allegations created a downdraft for the whole cannabis market, Health Canada’s swift response is a positive step toward winning back investor confidence.

She concludes that one could view this situation as a “stern warning to other producers: Comply or risk a beating in the stock market. That might make the next guy less prepared to pull plywood walls over illegal grow operations.”