Andrew Harder

Andrew Harder

Student, Montréal

Law School
McGill University
Columbia University
University of Toronto

Andrew believes good lawyers must have nimble minds that can see multiple sides of an issue, and anticipate how various parties will interpret and react to possible moves.

Having worked in diplomacy, he brings strong interpersonal skills to build relationships of trust that win and maintain clients.

Is there a practice area or industry in which you are particularly interested?

Climate technology, but in general, I’m excited to work on the major challenges businesses must surmount along the way – mergers and acquisitions, financing, global expansion. Anything where the client must make some interesting decisions that come with lots of moving pieces.

What experience, job or internship have you learned the most from or found most rewarding?

Working in Beijing helping Canadian exporters develop their China business pushed me outside my comfort zone every week. I got to explore a diverse, fascinating country grappling with warp-speed change, and engage with people trying to make their place within it.

Tell us something about yourself in six words or less.

Work hard. Play hard. Avoid clichés.